As per Hindu tradition the son must go for ahead tonsure after doing the final rites for his mother or father.
But when it comes to celebrities they cannot go for the tonsure as the will be doing the movies .
Hero Nagarjuna did not go for tonsure after the death of his father Nageshwar Rao.
Chandrababu did shave his head after the death of Kharjura Naidu.
Now Mahesh also will not Shave his head as he has started a movie with Trivikram.
Mahesh Babu was in Haridwar to immerse the ashes of his mother Indira Devi, who passed away recently due to age-related problems. Mahesh Babu was very close to his mother and he recently lost his elder brother Ramesh.
So the family has been in mourning and now comes the great loss. In a recent decision taken following rebel star Krishnam Raju’s death, the media will not be allowed at burial grounds, when it involves celebrities.
While celebrities and their families are used to public glare, there are certain occasions when they crave privacy.
In the past, there were many occasions when celebs were caught weeping on camera which make for an embarrassing watch for the stars later.
Mahesh also wanted to avoid the media glare but could not do it.The movemebNt ofVvIPS made all the difference.