Ante Sundaraniki is not against Brahmins

antesundaraniki naani
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The latest movie of Naani representing a brahmin family is not against the community stated the unit members. The movie is already making a buzz in the industry.

It is a comedy movie on blind beliefs in typical communities. The movie is being released on June tenth. Nani with a new getup is confident of getting a hit.

It is a typical movie about the Myths of Telugu people’s blind beliefs and culture. Naani is expecting good collections at the box office and later would sell the same to the OTT.

Financially it is going to make a turnaround. We have to see how the Brahmins would react after the release of the Movie. There is a talk that Nani has generated enough comedy in the movie and is expecting a big hit.

If there is no movie at this juncture, then Nani will get all the benefit. It is a mid-range budget movie and the Industry is expecting a fair amount of business.

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