Vishwak Sen after some Hungama on the TV could not make much of an impact on the audience today with the movie. Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam” doesn’t quite engage us though occasionally it holds our attention.
The movie is Ok in bits and pieces. The dead-slow narrative is the major issue with this film. Ravi Kiran Kola of ‘Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru’ has written the story, screenplay, and dialogue.
Vidya Sagar Chinta has directed the film. But the film has more shades of “Raja Vaaru Raani Gaaru” and it gets dragged on unnecessarily.
On the whole “Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam” needs patience to be watched in the theatres. It would have been a better experience if it was streamed on OTT.
Vishwak Sen’s performance and moments involving Ritika are good, but the movie suffers heavily from a sluggish pace.