The Central Governmet must answer if they will buy the paddy or not, questioned KCR the CM of Telangana. We have 40 crore acres of land for cultivation in the country KCR said.
What is the policy of the centre? will you allow the agriculturists to survive or not, he questioned? You have to secure the grain and store it he suggested the centre.
You have to procure and export the grain he suggested to the Modi Government. You have to intervene in agriculture by spending a lakh or two crores he said.
The centre is not understanding the issue and situation including the plight of the farmers he stated. Why are you harassing the farming community he asked.
Why the BJP is misleading the farmers he stated. The BJP is making foolish arguments using social media he opined. The FCI is with the BJP Government he pointed out.
We are a new state, but the centre is not giving anything to us KCR condemned. We have enough water and power there is no issue as such he stated.
The BJP policies are lopsided and they just depend on caste creed and community he said. Why fix motors to agriculture pumps he asked. Shall we fix meters to pump sets he questioned?
You must put an end to the misrule of the BJP he suggested. We must wage another war he gave a call. Let us wait and see he suggested the people.
We will represent the Governor also he said.