Superstar Mahesh Babu on the eve of Rakhi Pournami and Mega Star Chiranjeevi’s Birthday has unveiled the title Bhola Shankar today. He complimented Chiranjeevi and director Meher Ramesh for the same.
The movie will be made with Visakhapatnam as the backdrop for this movie. After Shankar dada, now Chiranjeevi will become Bhola Shankar. Meher is very lucky to get this movie okayed by Chiranjeevi. Anil Sunkara will produce the film for the megastar.
It will be made on a fast track basis. This will be one among the 4 new movies that Chiranjeevi has agreed to do at the age of 66. Mahesh Babu tweeted that he is honoured to do the same.
Mahesh is on the other hand is busy with Rakhee festival at home. He is working for Sarkaru Vaari Paata and is racing against time. Next, he will do a movie with Trivikram Srinivas.
Trivikram and Mahesh are coming together after 11 years.
Happy birthday @KChiruTweets garu🤗 Honoured to be unveiling the title of your film! #BholaaShankar, under the directorial skills of my good friend @MeherRamesh and my favourite producer @AnilSunkara1 garu
May the year ahead bring you great health and success. All the best sir!
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) August 22, 2021