From now on you cannot come on to the main road without having a helmet. If a rider does not have a helmet, then the traffic police will see that they purchase a helmet and wear it.
Other wise you cannot travel on the roads. This is being done by the Cyberabad police to reduce the accidents to the extent possible. Most of the death recorded are due to the accidents where the riders were not having the helmets.
To see that the death rate is reduced, the traffic police have decided that they will not allow the riding without an helmet. If they cannot get a helmet the vehicle will be seized and case will be booked.
In the first phase this will be implemented in 4 high ways. These days the traffic police are imposing fines and issuing challans for every small reaons.
If you don’t have side mirror you are fined. A rider is fined several times at several points for the same reason. It is better for the Government to give a one time discount of 50 percent so that most of them will clear the earlier dues which are running into thousands.
This will also help the government to fill its coffers.