Minister Sabitha Indra reddy align with Minister for IT KTR today launched the flyover at gachchbowli here in Hyderabad. Mayor Bonthu Rammohan was also present.
Soon after the launch of the flyover, the Minsier travelled on the flyover. When the Minister Sabitha was reluctant, Minister for IT KTR persuaded Sabithat to inaugurate the flyover which was constructed at cost of around Rs 30 crore.
After the lockdown, it is a big event where many local leaders gathering for the event with masks. Social distance was observed and the police had a tough time controlling the mob.
KTR said that the lockdown time was properly utilised for finishing the flyover work at a faster pace. Many roads works have also been completed in Hyderabad and surrounding during the lockdown period.
This flyover of the first level eases the traffic form Gachchbowli to Mehdipatnam. KTR talked to all the guests here and wished them. Both Rammohan was busy clearing the people for KTR and asking hem to maintain the physical distancing.