Pawan Kalyan the JanaSena chief said that the people of the state will see the end of the YSRC for shifting the capital from Amaravathi to Visakhapatnam.
He said that this is nothing but Tuqlaq rule in the state of Andhra Pradesh. He found fault with the police for blocking his way in the office of Jana Sena.
There was no need for the police to enter the office of Jana Sena he opined. Pawan said that he would fight for the welfare of the people till his last breath and would see the end of YSRC for achieving the same.
Pawan condemned the attitude of the police for detaining him for about 5 hours in the office when he wanted to meet the farmers who were in distress.
While the bill was passed with a brute majority in Assembly, the 3 capital bill seems to be in trouble in the Legislative council. The TDP has the majority in the council.