After Ruler with SARajakumar, Balakrishna Nandamuri will be doing a movie with his favourite director Boyapati Srinivas. But the theme is different. It is reported that there will not be any political dialogues in the movie like the earlier legend.
Legend had heavy political overtones and they were as if Balaih was ruling the state. Now they cannot do it. YSRC is ruling the AP state and Balakrishna cannot claim anything in politics.
Balaiah has won as an MLA but he is not really getting involved in the issues. He is just there for namesake. In the same fashion, it is reported that Balaiah has instructed the director Boyapati to stay away from politics and make a family entertainer.
His ruler is getting ready for the Christmas that is on December 20. It is is a powerful subject where Balaiah looks like the Iron man. Now they cannot make tall claims in politics as Jagan is ruling the state and the people have just given 23 seats to the TDP.
The TDP leaders are looking at the YSRC and BJP. Some MPs have shifted to the BJP. In this scenario, if Balaiah talks about politics in the movie it will be very embarrassing for him.
That is the reason Boyapti is making a family drama for Balaiah next. The story is getting ready minus politics and political dialogues.