Adavi Sesh the writer and director said that he failed as a director and has won as the writer. Gudachari is a movie which brought him a lot of name and fame in the Tollwood. People like Nagarjuna praised Sesh for that movie.
But Sesh who is enjoying the success of Yevaru openly admits that he miserably failed as a director as he could not recover the money for the aata paste that was sued to stick the posters.
But he was very happy that Kshanam and Gudachari were super-duper hits. But Sesh revealed that is afraid of acting and also seeing the horror movies. First Adavi Sesh worked in Kshanam and now he acted in Yevaru. Yevaru is a decent hit and making money at the box office with the presence of sesh. People are having good expectations for Sesh after the success of Gudachari.
As a director, writer and actor he is ready for his duty. His aim to work properly and get the desired results. Sesh is working with Mahesh Babu in the movie Sarileru Neekevvaru being directed by Anil Ravipudi. This is a big role for Sesh with Mahesh.
After that Sesh will be coming with Gudachari -2. This Gudachari 2 is for the year 20201.