Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy is all set to meet his favourite hero Balakrishna on the dias for a function of Nandi awards it is reported. The TDP Government failed in organising the Nandi awards functions for last several years and Jagan wanst to complete the function by giving away the awards till date.
The Government is working over the details and here Jagan will meet his favourite hero Balakrishna. Unconfirmed reports say that the Jagan was the President of the Balakrishna youth association in Kadapa. Jagan used to celebrate the 100 days functions of Balaiah in Kadapa theatres.
Balakrishna has been elected as an MLA again but he was not seen in the Assembly during the budget session. We did not see Jagan and Balakrishna meeting each other in the Assembly premises.
Now the CM is all set to meet Balaiah Babu, NTR and also Mahesh Babu. The Government has to give away awards for the years 2014- 2015 and also 2016.
The TDP Government wanted to do this function, but there was a lot of controversy over the selection of the films and Chandrababu Naidu the then chief Minister thought it fit not to give the awards and the function was postponed.
Now Jagan is interested in giving away the awards for all the three years and may for the rest of the years also that is 2017 and also 2018. If this happens then Jagan will meet Balaiah babu, NTR and also Mahesh Babu in the function. Usually, Nandi awards are given away for Ugadi the new year, but for a change, it could happen for Dasara also.