Minister for Information and public relations from Andhra Pradesh Perni Venkataramaiah said that the reporters are working for the self-respect that they get in the society. They also have problems he said. He is of the opinion that they are very poor, but they love the profession as they have some respect in the society.He assured that the issues of the reporters would be brought to the notice of the Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy and would be resolved. He said that he is new to the ministry and is learning about the portfolio. I am not a pandit, I have to learn things he agreed.
Talking about the issues of the scribes, Perni said that some of the reporters may have good shirts, but they have a torn banian inside. Some of them may have good shoes, but they don’t have proper sox inside. Some have no respect at home and some others do not have groceries. You have a bike but dont have the fuel. They have some issue or the other at home. But they come to work here and carry the message of the Government to the people he said. The managements don’t pay the media well he observed.
We are friends and will go forward and work together he told the media in a press conference. Give me some time he suggested the media. He sought the cooperation of the media. I will note down all your problems and present the same to the chief Minister he said. The good days for the media have come and you must be rest assured he said. I am friendy with you and will do what all that can be done for your development he assured the media. We are spending lakhs of crores for the welfare of the people and the CM of AP Jagan Mohan Reddy will definitely help and develop the media people also he assured.