Karnataka CM who has taken the throne with very less number of seats in the recent times with the active support of the Congress party said that he is ready to step down. The gap between the Chief Ministet Gowda and the Congress leaders is widening and unable to take the bad treatment being mooted to him by the Congress MLAs, Gowda siad that he was prepared to step down. Some of the Congress MLAs have hailed Siddaramaiah as thier CM. Unable to taket this, Gowda said that the MLAs were crossing their lines and suggested that he would step down. Some Congress MLAs were openly claiming that SiddaRamiah was thier Chief Minister.
Since last 7 months there was no development in Karnataka the Congress MLAs said. If the CM was a permanent one with 5 years term there would have been some development they opined. Some Congress MLAs were lured by the BJP to topple the Government. But the could not successfully lure them in into the party. Now the Congress MLAs directly said that BJP leader Siddaramaiah is their CM. Things are gettign worse for Gowda day by day.