Ram Gopal Varma who is doing a film on senior NTR with Lakshmi Parvathi angle, has got a look alike like Chandrababu. He paid one lakh to the man who found the Chandrababu. Now RGV is scouting for an NTR that is senior NTR look alike. RGV has announced a reward of Rs 10 lakh for the man who finds NTR at the earliest.
Meanwhile, the story settings are going on for the Lakshmis NTR. There is a lot of talk going on about this movie. Meanwhile, the NTR of Krish Jagarlamdui is getting ready in two parts of January 2019. May this is the first time that two parts of a movie are being released in the same month.
The business for the first part is almost over and the second part would start after seeing the response for the first part it is reported. Balakrishna is a happy man the movie is shaping up very well. So far no one commented on the Laskshmis NTR from this side. If RGVs NTR materialises then there will be 3 movies on NTR.
But one has to see if RGVs NTR goes against Chandrababu Naidu and TDP especially when the elections are due in April in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
3 actors short listed for NTR but i want very best..Open offer is to get NTR look alike at age he met Lakshmi ..anyone who can send video to laksmisntr@gmail.com who can look and speak like NTR will get 10 lakhs like Rohit of Tv 9 is getting 1 lak for tracking CBN #NTRTRUESTORY pic.twitter.com/N9TNbGH4Af
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) October 15, 2018