The interest-free grain Bank -Anaj bank

anaj bank
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You have seen currency bank, milk bank, blood bank, liquor bank and also sperm bank. But there is an Anaj Bank in the remote village of UP which will give you grains and does not charge any interest or payment. The grain bank is catering to Koran and Shankargad villages.They are in a remote area with poor Girijans.

You can take the grain and return it for free. All you have to do is join the bank by giving a kilo of rice or wheat to the bank. There is a container here in the Anajbank which can store up to 300 Kg of rice and wheat.

A teacher from BB Pant institute started this grain bank and he is giving the rice and wheat successfully to the poor and needy. Most of them who come for the grains are Girijans and also tribals who cant earn their livelihood properly.

Sunith Singh is the man behind this project and a local NGO is helping him. More than 40 donors are also helping them in maintaining the stocks. One can join the grain bank with a Kg of rice and then can draw 5 Kgs of rice in the future. They have to return the same in 15 days and can draw it again whenever they need.

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This is becoming very useful for the Girijans when they don’t get any work for that day. All sections of people here are donating whatever is possible for them to the grain bank. It would be wise for the NGOs to start grain banks in all the remote villages of the country so that poor people can get rice whenever they are in need.

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