Rahul Gandhi after hugging PM Modi rushed to seat and then smiled at the members on the other side with a wink as if saying that he could take on the Prime minister. This wink took the media and also the Social media by storm. Viral is a small word for this. Earlier Priya Varrier the actor’s wink was viral on the social media and people still remember that.
Now people have started equating the Rahuls wink with that of varrier and they are shown on the TV and also posted on the net.
Rahul was popular with the wink, but on the other side, Speaker Sumitra Mahajan suggested that Rahul must behave properly and cannot do like that with the PM Modi in the parliament. He must have some decorum she suggested. Some Ministers also found fault with Rahul.
PM Modi was also taken aback by the sudden reaction of Rahul, but he however complimented Rahul for the speech in the parliament. It looked after attacking Modi and the Government on several fronts, finally Rahul bowed down to Modi and later the wink diluted his act.
A Union Minister compared Rahul to Munnabhai and his tapori acts. The issues that Rahul raised were buried by this act and now people remember the hug and also the wink. It looked cheap on the part of Rahul Gandhi to do such things in the parliament and some of them called him a bachcha.
You call me Pappu, but I love you Rahul told Modi and then hugged him, shook hands with him smiled at him and then made that cheap act.