Bachchan’s ad defames Bankers..

Bachchan's ad defames Bankers.
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The latest Advertisement of Amitabh Bachchan for Kalyan Jewellers is hurting the integrity of the bankers and depicting them in the bad light said the AIBOC, The bankers association demanded that the Advertisement is withdrawn immediately as it hurts the sentiments of the people and also the baking system.

Kalyan Jewellers has used the image of Bachchan at the cost of denting the image of the bankers the AIBOC stated and threatened to initiate a legal action. But Bachchan says that the Ad brings in the emotional moment for him and says that the daughters are the best.


The ad is about Bachchan trying to return the extra amount which was credited in his pension and the bankers making it an issue. Kalyan Jewellers said that the ad was not disrespecting anyone, it is just an advertisement to who the sincerity.

The situations are just fictional and that the bankers were taking it seriously.

Soumya Dutta the General Secretary of AIBOC said that the Advertisement was disgusting and derogatory. It was mocking at the banking system for personal gain in a commercial format.

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