After Modi assassination story now the latest is about Amit Shah. BJP AP President Kannalaxminarayana has alleged that Chandrababu Naidu tried to kill Amit Shah at Alipiri during his visit to Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam. He said that the TDP workers used stones and sticks to kill Shah on the road.
Kanna said that Chandrababu used both Vajpayee and also Modi for getting power in the state and now he ditched them. Ditching is not new to Babu as he earlier backstabbed his father-in-law NT Rama Rao for the sake of the Power in AP.
He said that Babu has done a lot of corruption and used Government money for his personal benefits and also wasted peoples money. Kanna said that Babu was using police to threaten the BJP leaders and workers.
He found fault with the DGP Malakondaiah that he did not agree with the fact that stones were pelted at AmitShahs Convoy. The police were just working for the sake of TDP welfare and foisting false cases against the opposition in AP he said.
The police must investigate into the controversy of killing Amit Shah he said.