Prime Minister Narendra Modi is already gearing up to step into election mode. From May 26 he will start the campaigning for 2019 elections. BJP has strategised to talk about the achievements of the NDA government for the next one year and go for the elections. The Ministers, MPs and MLAs will start campaigning in their respective constituencies and try to reach out to the rural masses as well as the Dalits and minorities in a big way.
PM Modi will fly to Cuttack in Odisha and address a mammoth public meeting marking the 4 years of the BJP Government. There is a chance that the PM might talk and explain on the hike in fuel rates and that they would be brought under control. Modi will also explain on various welfare measures being implemented by the NDA Government and the schemes that are in store for the future.
BJP President Amit Shah will address a media conference here at the party office explaining the achievements of BJP government and he will also clarify on the unholy alliance of the JDS and Congress in Karnataka.
The tagline is “Saaf Niyat, Sahi Vikas” and the punchline – “2019 Main Phir Modi Sarkar” – is seen as an extension of the BJP’s slogan for the 2014 elections, “Abki Baar Modi Sarkar”.
It is likely that Prime Minister Modi will compare his 48 months of governance with the 48 years of the Congress Government. He will give a slide presentation on the development plank. The digital media and other forms of media will be used to highlight the achievements of the NDA regime.