Modi most powerful at 9nth in the World

Modi most powerful at 9nth in the World
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Prime Minister Modi is ranking 9nth on the most powerful leaders of the World on Forbes. The Forbes has given the list of top 75 powerful leaders in the world and Modi is in the top 10 at No 9. Modi is better than Facebook Man Zuckerberg who is on the 13nth spot.

Modi has raised his profile as a global leader in recent years during official visits with Donald Trump and Xi Jinping. He has also emerged as a key figure in the international effort to tackle climate change, as warming affects millions of his country’s rural citizens.

”Explaining about PM Modi, Forbes mentioned: “India’s populist prime minister remains hugely popular in the second most populous country on earth, with a population of 1.3 billion people.

In November 2016 he unexpectedly announced plans to eliminate India’s two largest banknotes in a bid to reduce money laundering and corruption.”

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