Sonia in Karnataka campaign

Sonia in Karnataka campaign
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Despite having an edge in Karnataka the Congress seems to be having some doubts and now they have added Sonia Gandhi to campaign in Karnataka. The 71-year-old Sonia who gave away the party reigns to her Son Rahul Gandhi was convinced by the leaders that her campaign would add to the edge that they have.

Yesterday former PM Manmohan Sinh also campaigned in Karnataka and talked against the policies of PM Modi and the BJP. Rahul after flying now and then is camping in Karnataka for the last leg of his campaign. All the top Congress leaders are camping here and they are getting funds from all quarters to see that they get Karnataka. Interestingly the TDp from AP is also helping the Congress by way of funds it is reported.

Modi the PM and Amit Shah are working day in and day out to win the election. They have drafted UP CM yogi also. They are using all kinds of tricks here. Web media, Digital media is also used extensively by the BJP and Siddharamaiah also answering them in their own language.


The BJP chided: Today, Ms. Antonio Maino is here in K’taka to save her last citadel from falling!

Madam Maino, K’taka needs no lessons from the person who was solely responsible for wasting India’s 10 precious years.

And to Congress, need to remind you of your ‘import’ jibe?

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