Trump orders attack against Chemical weapons

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The US along with Britain and France have launched an attack on Syria against the Chemical attacks that Syrian President Assad has launched earlier.

American President Donald Trump stated that Assad was testing the patience of the Western Nations. Trump opined that Assad was crossing in limit while using the Chemical weapons and said that it time world stops him.

Trump described the chemical attack as an act of a monster and said that he will be neutralised. The attack from US and Allies will continue if Assad does not mend his ways.

Trump orders attack against Chemical weapons

The US and its allies are planning the strikes in such a way that the 3 sites being used by Syrian President for the Chemical attacks cannot be used any further. However, the US authorities were unable to conclude if Assad will not be able to use the Chemical weapons again. No loss was reported from the US side. We also do not know what is the extent of damage caused to Syria.

According to reports, 59 Tomahawk missiles were fired at Syria from the US warships and Trump is of the opinion that Assad will not able to cross his limits.

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