Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today made a statement in the Assembly that the salaries will be on time and there need not be any apprehension on this account. He was answering to a doubt raised by the BJP leader Kishan Reddy during the budget session that the treasury was empty and there could be a delay in the salaries.
KCR urged Kishan Reddy not to create such doubts and assured that the salaries will be paid on time. He also pointed out that the salaries here in the state of Telangana has been raised and a sweeper gets here above Rs 40000 and in the even of seniors, it almost touching Rs 70000.
It may be recalled that the salaries in the State Government have been raised by the Government that it will enable the employees to lead a respectable life. The broad fiscal policy is with the central government and we have to sail with them the KCR explained. The broad guidelines of the central Government have to be followed he said. No Government can compensate to the farmers adequately we can just give some relief he added.
No one is talking in a constructive manner he pointed out. The way you criticise is not right he said. He also said that Kishan Reddy was making all false allegations and it was not correct and factual. It is a right to get funds for the state you are not giving us anything extra KCR pointed out.
We are one of the states who is feeding the country KCR explained. We are paying well to the employees and no BJP Government is doing this he stated. Dont try to blame the Government he suggested Kishan Reddy.