The real estate sector will prosper this year in Telangana said the Sastri on the eve of Ugadi at Pragathi Bhavan. With little ups and downs, there will be all-round development he stated. CM KCR will shine here in the state and also at the national level he explained.
On the other hand CM KCR dropped a bombshell by saying that some Rasi people may not get the MLA seats this time. He said astrology is science and it cannot be ruled out completely. It is not just a belief he opined. Ugadi chutney represents life with sweet hot and sour tastes he explained.
He said that what all promised is being implemented by the Telangana Government. Archakas, Imams and all others are getting good remuneration he explained. CMs Raasi and KCRs Raasi are karkatakam and it is having an income of 8 and expenditure of 2 this year.
That means the state will have more income than the expenditure this year.He said development is being achieved in a phased and balanced manner.