Condoms & Brinjal flavor

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Sex and condoms always made news. The flavors of condoms have also been a subject for discussion. Durex, a leading condom brand, dropped a bombshell after it revealed that it was launching eggplant-flavoured(Brinjal) condoms in the market. Not surprisingly this led to some pretty strong reactions online especially from the Indian Twitterati.

Traditional Indians view the eggplant also known as ‘brinjals’ in a particular way. It evokes a rather homely vibe as it is one of the key ingredients in one of India’s most popular dishes – ‘baingan ka bharta’. Understandably, many people weren’t really for such a drastic change.

There are rumors that some girls use Brinjals when they are in need of sex. Now condoms are coming with the same flavor.

People couldn’t resist the opportunity to make jokes and come up with all sort of puns about this piece of news.

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