A special CBI court convicted Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad Yadav, former Chief Minister Jagannath Mishra and 48 others in another fodder scam case. Lalu Yadav has been sentenced to five years in jail today in the third fodder scam case.
The special CBI court of judge S.S. Prasad convicted 50 accused persons out of total 56 in the case which pertained to the fraudulent withdrawal of ₹33.67 crore from Chaibasa now in Jharkhand district treasury during the period of 1992-93. Six accused persons have been acquitted in the case.
Out of the total 76 accused in the case, 14 died during the trial, three turned approvers, two pled guilty while one is absconding.
Of the 56 facing the trial, six are politicians, three former IAS officers, six animal husbandry department officials, a treasury official and 40 suppliers to the department.