61 dead 75 injured -selfie problem

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15 seconds made all the difference at the Dasara celebrations in Amritsar where the Ravana Dahanam was happening near the railway tracks. The people were taking selfies on the tracks and they were unmindful that the train was approaching them from behind on the tracks during the night. The burning program which was supposed to take place in the evening happened late in the night and the chief Guest was Siddhus wife how was the local MLA it is reported.

The train passed the people in seconds and the dead bodies were left on the track behind the train. The driver of the train could not avert the accident as he was not expecting the crowd to stand on the track. The people were watching the Ravana Dahana and trying to film it. Some of them were taking selfies and were unmindful of the fact that the train was approaching them from behind.

Image result for 61 dead 75 injured train

It was not the right spot for the Dasara celebrations as the tracks were near to the venue. But the Dasara Utsav was celebrated at the same spot since last 20 years. This is the first time such an accident occurred.

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